South Moreland Boulevard, Shaker Square,
North Moreland Boulevard Rehabilitation
Griffing Avenue to Larchmere Boulevard

Construction updates will be posted on the following page, as changes to the traffic scheme occur or when major construction activities change or conclude! ​
The video below will walk you through the content on the website and project a brief project overview:
Project Overview
The proposed improvements along South Moreland Boulevard, Shaker Square and North Moreland Boulevard will include:
Repair and resurface the roadway.
Reconfigure Intersections
Livingston Road
Ashwood Road
Hampton Road
Buckeye Road/S. Woodland Road
Drexmore Road
Replace curbs, driveway aprons, sidewalks and curb ramps as needed.
Add ADA compliant curb ramps where they currently do not exist.
Reconstruct catch basins and reset utility castings.
Replace 7,000 feet of water main and install new connections, valves, and hydrants.
Install new high visibility pavement markings and signage, including bike lanes along South Moreland Boulevard and sharrows along North Moreland Boulevard. Parking lanes will remain along the entire corridor.
Replace signals at Buckeye Road/S. Woodland Road and Drexmore Road intersections and remove the unwarranted signal at Ashwood Road.
Relocate and consolidate poles when possible (utility pole owners).
Project Schedule:
Design Completed September 2022
Bid/Award November/December 2022
Construction Starts Spring 2023
Construction Duration 12 months
Estimated Construction Cost: $7.0 Million
Project Funding Sources: Ohio Public Works Commission, Public Utilities, City Road & Bridge Bonds
Cleveland City Council Representatives:
Ward 4 – Councilmember Deborah A. Gray
Approximately 90% of project length, with the remaining length in Ward 6
Ward 6 – Council President Blaine A. Griffin
Approximately 10% of project length, from Buckeye Road to Drexmore Road, on the west side of South Moreland Boulevard