South Moreland Boulevard, Shaker Square,
North Moreland Boulevard Rehabilitation
Griffing Avenue to Larchmere Boulevard

9-6-2024: Striping and crosswalks will be installed over the next two weeks.
8-22-2024: Final paving operations will happen on August 29th and August 30th with roadway striping to proceed early September. Construction completion date tentatively scheduled for mid-September.
7-1-2024: Upcoming project work includes:
NW and NE Shaker Square quadrant-water main installation for the rest of this week (7/1).
Pouring curbs, driveways, and walks this week and into next week (7/8).
Asphalt paving scheduled for the week of July 15.
Project completion date remains August 15, 2024.
5-29-2024: Beginning Wednesday, May 29, 2024, the City of Cleveland will begin construction on the northwest quadrant of Shaker Square. The current detour for the southeast quadrant of Shaker Square will be removed and a new detour installed as follows below for approximately a month. ​
The upcoming construction and traffic detours will be as follows:
At the northwest quadrant of Shaker Square as water main replacement is being performed, traffic will be detoured east from the intersection of Larchmere Road and North Moreland Boulevard, and then south on Coventry Road, and then west on Shaker Boulevard. The northwest quadrant is scheduled to be opened for traffic in late June 2024.
Patrons of the Edwins Institute, Subway, Fashion by Fowler, Groundworks Dance Theater, and US Bank are advised to utilize the parking lots off of North Moreland Boulevard.
The current construction on North Moreland from Griffin Avenue to Larchmere Avenue will be ongoing during this time.
The next phase of construction will be the northeast quadrant of Shaker Square. A traffic advisory will be issued detailing the traffic detours associated with this phase of construction.
Construction zones will be installed and advanced warning signs will be placed outside of the work area informing the public of the construction work and any changes in the traffic patterns.
The work on this project will generally take place Monday through Friday between the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The overall project is scheduled for completion in October 2024.
Questions? Contact the City of Cleveland’s Construction Inspector, Cecil Benson at 216-857-7648.
5-13-2024: Beginning Monday, May 13, 2024, the City of Cleveland will begin construction on the southeast quadrant of Shaker Square. The current detour for the south-west quadrant of Shaker Square will be removed and a new detour installed as follows below for approximately a month. The current work on North Moreland from Griffin Avenue to Larchmere Avenue will continue along with the existing maintenance of traffic plan.
The upcoming construction and traffic detours will be as follows:
At the southeast quadrant of Shaker Square as water main replacement is being performed traffic will be detoured east from the intersection of Shaker Square and Drexmore Road, then north on Van Aken Boulevard, and then west on Shaker Boulevard. The southeast quadrant is scheduled to be opened for traffic in mid-June 2024.
Patrons of the Shaker Square Animal Hospital, Captain Tony’s Pizza, and the Cleveland Breakfast Club are advised to utilize the parking lot off of Drexmore Road.
The current work on North Moreland from Griffin Avenue to Larchmere Avenue will continue along with the existing maintenance of traffic plan.
The next phase of construction will be north side of Shaker Square. A traf-fic advisory will be issued detailing the traffic detours associated with this phase of construction.
Construction zones will be installed and advanced warning signs will be placed outside of the work area informing the public of the construction work and any changes in the traffic patterns.
The work on this project will generally take place Monday through Friday be-tween the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The overall project is scheduled for completion in October 2024.
Questions? Contact the City of Cleveland’s Construction Inspector, Cecil Benson at 216-857-7648.
4-25-2024: Beginning Thursday, April 25, 2024, the City of Cleveland will begin construction on North Moreland Boulevard, beginning north of Shaker Square and ending at Larchmere Boulevard due to an unforeseen problem with the existing watermain that now requires repair.
The upcoming construction and traffic detours will be as follows:
North of Shaker Square water main replacement will be performed on the northbound side of North Moreland Boulevard. Traffic will be maintained with one lane each direction during this construction.
Traffic detours will remain for the ongoing work at the southwest quadrant of Shaker Square.
The next phase of construction will be north side of Shaker Square. A traffic advisory will be issued detailing the traffic detours associated with this phase of construction.
Construction zones will be installed and advanced warning signs will be placed outside of the work area informing the public of the construction work and any changes in the traffic patterns.
The work on this project will generally take place Monday through Friday between the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The overall project is scheduled for completion in October 2024.
Questions? Contact the City of Cleveland’s Construction Inspector, Cecil Benson at 216-857-7648.
4-2-2024: Upcoming Construction Traffic Detours:
The upcoming construction and traffic detours will be as follows:
At the southwest quadrant of Shaker Square as water main replacement is being performed traffic will be detoured from the intersection of Shaker Square and Shaker Boulevard east, then south on Van Aken Boulevard, and then west on Drexmore Road ending at South Moreland Boulevard.
Patrons of the Goldenrod Montessori Preschool coming from the eastern neighborhoods on Shaker Boulevard westbound are advised to continue west, past Shaker Square, to turn south onto East 121 Street and then continue eastbound on Shaker Boulevard to the school drop-off zone on Shaker Boulevard.
Traffic detours for the southwest quadrant of Shaker Square will begin April 10, 2024 and will continue until late May 2024.
The next phase of construction will be north of Shaker Square on North Moreland Boulevard. A traffic advisory will be issued detailing the traffic detours associated with this phase of construction.
Construction zones will be installed and advanced warning signs will be placed outside of the work area informing the public of the construction work and any changes in the traffic patterns.
The work on this project will generally take place Monday through Friday between the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The overall project is scheduled for completion in October 2024.
The next phase of construction will begin on April 10, 2024, weather permitting. The work will start with the installation of new water main at the SW Quadrant of Shaker Square, with work scheduled for completion and opened to traffic by the end of May, 2024. The construction will then proceed north with water main work on North Moreland Boulevard, from Shaker Square to Larchmere, with the work scheduled for completion by mid-August. Traffic advisories will be posted to the city's website and distributed to the Morelands Group approximately two weeks before setting up and implementing traffic changes.
1-26-2024: Phase 1 of the project work is substantially complete. Crews will continue to attend to maintenance issues as necessary.
Phase 2 of construction will begin in March 2024, weather permitting. They will start with the installation of new water main on North Moreland Blvd, from Shaker Square to Larchmere. Traffic advisories will be posted to the city’s website and distributed to the Morelands Group approximately two weeks before setting up and implementing traffic changes.
11-21-2023: From Drexmore to Griffing, the new water main and connections are completed. Also completed within this same section are the new roadway pavement, curbs, curb ramps, and most of the sidewalks. Work is in progress to complete the following:
Decorative stamped concrete crosswalks at intersections with Buckeye and Drexmore
Some sidewalks
Grading and mulching of disturbed grass areas
New pavement markings
New signs
New trees
​Work to complete these items will continue as weather permits, and will complete Phase 1 of the project.
The next phase of construction will begin in the Spring 2024, starting with new water main installation on North Moreland from Shaker Square to Larchmere.
10-18-2023: Water main and connections are completed between Drexmore and Griffing. Work is on-going to complete the new curbs, drive aprons and curb ramps between Buckeye and Griffing. Crews are working in the Buckeye and Drexmore intersections to install new pavement, curbs, and crosswalks. Contractor has begun milling the pavement surface between Buckeye and Griffing and performing full depth pavement repairs. They will then install the intermediate asphalt course and adjust catch basins and castings in the street.
9-14-2023: The new water mains are in service from Drexmore to Griffing and new service connections from Buckeye to Griffing on the west side are nearly complete. The re-aligned Ashwood Rd. intersection is in progress, and new curb has been installed on the east side from Griffing to Buckeye. Crews are continuing work to repair the pavement base and replacing curb and drive aprons as needed. This work will continue over the next two weeks.
8-28-2023: Water quality testing is completed and the new water mains are in service from Drexmore to Griffing. Work to install new service connections is in progress and will continue over the next two weeks. The re-aligned Livingston Rd. intersection is constructed and the old roadway pavement is being removed. Work to re-align the Ashwood Rd. intersection and to replace curb along the corridor will continue over the next two weeks.
8-14-2023: Water main installation is complete from Griffing Ave. to the Square. Tie-in of the new water main at the Square is under way. Once water quality testing is complete, crews will tie in the service lateral connections from the Square to Griffing, which is expected to continue over the next two weeks. Catch basin replacements, curb replacements, and pavement repairs are in progress and will continue. Construction of the Livingstone Rd. intersection re-alignment is in progress, to be followed by the re-alignment at Ashwood Rd.
7-31-2023: Crews have completed the installation of new water main on the southbound side of South Moreland, from Drexmore to Griffing. Work continuing into the next two weeks will include making lateral connections to the new water main and installing the underground conduits and new pole foundations between Drexmore and Griffing.
7-17-2023: Crews have completed installation of water main and connections from Griffing to Drexmore on the northbound side of South Moreland. They are currently installing water main on the southbound side from Drexmore to Buckeye. Over the next two weeks they will continue the water main installation and make lateral connections from Buckeye to Griffing.
June 12, 2023 - The City of Cleveland will begin Stage 1 and Phase 1 of construction. Click the PDF link below to view the South Moreland, Shaker Square, North Moreland Improvements Traffic Advisory.
On March 15, 2023 the City of Cleveland hosted the Construction Phase Public Meeting. The meeting was held at 6:30 PM at Greenview Campus of Positive Education (formerly known as Ludlow School). Construction is scheduled to begin in April of 2023 and this meeting provided information about construction activities along the corridor. Click the PDF link below to view the presentation provided at the meeting:
January 3, 2023 - The City of Cleveland is currently evaluating bids received by contractors in order to award the construction project. As more information becomes available it will be posted on this section of the website. The website will also be used during construction for updated regarding maintenance of traffic and other pertinent construction activity notifications.
On November 9, 2022, the City of Cleveland hosted Design Phase - Public Meeting #3 regarding the construction of the improvements along South Moreland Boulevard, Shaker Square and North Moreland Boulevard. See the Public Feedback page for the information presented and response to public comments.
On September 30, 2022 Councilmember Gray hosted a project walk-through for interested members of the community to learn more about the proposed improvements along the corridor.
On September 20, 2022, the City of Cleveland hosted Design Phase - Public Meeting #2 regarding the construction of the improvements along South Moreland Boulevard, Shaker Square and North Moreland Boulevard. See the Public Feedback page for the information presented and response to public comments.
On August 15, 2022, the City of Cleveland hosted Design Phase - Public Meeting #1 regarding the construction of the improvements along South Moreland Boulevard, Shaker Square and North Moreland Boulevard. See the Public Feedback page for the information presented, comments, and responses to comments.