South Moreland Boulevard, Shaker Square,
North Moreland Boulevard Rehabilitation
Griffing Avenue to Larchmere Boulevard

This page provides a summary of how this project will improve the roadway condition along South Moreland Boulevard, Shaker Square and North Moreland Boulevard from Griffing Avenue to Larchmere Boulevard. The following Public Information Flyer PDF can also be downloaded for additional information.
Project Description
South Moreland and North Moreland Boulevards are classified as Large Neighborhood Streets with a transit overlay, per the Cleveland Complete and Green Streets Typologies Plan. GCRTA Bus Routes #8 and #48 service the corridor.
The roads have grassed medians, varying in width from 15’ to 40’; the pavement on each side of the median varies from 20’ to 30’.
South Moreland Boulevard runs from Griffing Avenue to Shaker Square, approximately 2,950 feet; North Moreland Boulevard runs from Shaker Square to Larchmere Boulevard, approximately 1,015 feet. The total project length from Griffing to Larchmere including Shaker Square is approximately 1 mile.
The existing road carries two lanes of traffic in each direction with on-street parking provided in the curb lane.
The existing asphalt surface will be removed, the underlying pavement base will be repaired, and new asphalt will be placed in two courses.
Several safety improvements will be implemented with the design:
Realignment of all lanes for better lines-of-sight and operations with the addition of bump outs in order to reduce pedestrian crossing distances at two signalized intersections.
Buckeye Road, and
Drexmore Road
Realignment of existing approach angles at three side-street intersections in order to improve sight distance and pedestrian crossing safety.
Livingston Road
Ashwood Road
Hampton Road
Existing water mains and connections will be replaced for the length of the project.
Design for Pedestrians
Existing curb ramps checked for compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); new curb ramps will be installed where needed.
Failed and deficient curbs, sidewalks and drive aprons repaired or replaced to ensure a clear, continuous, and safe pedestrian walkway.
The project will reconfigure numerous intersections in order to shorten existing crosswalks and to add crosswalks where they currently do not exist.
New crosswalks for crossing South Moreland Boulevard are added at Forest Road and at Ashwood Road.​
Design for Bicyclists
New pavement markings will accommodate bicyclists, with well-marked transitions from buffered bike lanes to shared-use lanes as appropriate.
Corresponding multi-modal signage will be added.
This approach provides a key multi-modal access point at Shaker Square.
Design for Transit
Bus stop locations and shelters will be coordinated with GCRTA.
Bus stops and routes will provide multi-modal connections for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other mobility devices as recommended by the GCRTA.
Traffic Calming
Reconfigured intersection angles will lower vehicle turning speeds and eliminate merges.
Intersection Improvements
High-visibility crosswalks to be installed at key pedestrian crossings.
Countdown pedestrian signal heads will be added where lacking.
Left turn lane alignments at Livingston Road, Buckeye Road/S. Woodland Road and Drexmore Road.
Livingston Road, Ashwood Road, and Hampton Road intersection realignments will improve safety and operations.
New mast arms will replace the existing mast arms at Buckeye Road/S. Woodland Road.
The existing span wire traffic signal at Drexmore Road replaced with new equipment mounted on mast arms.
Unwarranted traffic signal at Ashwood Road will be removed.
An all-way stop will replace the unwarranted signal at Ashwood Road.
Green Infrastructure within the Right of Way
Old-style catch basins and castings will be replaced.
Existing trees will receive extensive tree protection during construction.
Construction methods specified will minimize the negative impacts of work in the vicinity of existing tree roots.
Seeded areas will replace impervious areas at the Hampton Road, Buckeye Road, Ashwood Road, and Livingston Road intersections.
There is a net reduction of impervious area along South Moreland Boulevard of approximately 5,466 sq. ft.
The Envision Rating for this project is Silver which meets project goals.